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Lift Tickets
Lift Tickets
Lift Ticket Products & Access
What Lift Ticket options are available?
What Adaptive Lift Ticket options are available?
What are the Lift Ticket age categories?
What access is included with my Hotham Lift Ticket?
Equipment permitted for use in Hotham
Do you offer scenic chairlift rides?
Lift Ticket Purchases & Pick Up
Can I buy lift tickets when I arrive in resort?
Where do I find my Lift Ticket?
Season Pass Products & Access
What access is included with the Epic Australia Pass?
How can I purchase the Over 70's Season Pass?
Bring A Mate Lift Tickets
What are Bring A Mate Lift Tickets?
How do I send Bring A Mate invitations?
How do I use a Bring A Mate invitation to purchase a Lift Ticket?
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